
January 18, 2010

She wanted white roses spread on a frozen lake. She wanted a gold laced phone. She wanted crepes with strawberries. She wanted a matching handbag. She wanted too much of what she didn’t have. She got too little of what she did.

Justice? I’m sorry, what?

January 17, 2010

I believe justice relies on ethics. If we ask ourselves what is justice, we need look no further than what are our morals?

Expectations breeds disappointment. For proof of this, we need look no further than the cahiers de doleances in France, during the revolution. The ‘book of grievances’ was requested by Louis XVI, and so, much of the population voiced what they wanted to see. Smart idea, right? Wrong! The segregated population had all different sorts of ideas and a mutual consensus was only reached on few important issues, leaving many men with expectations unfulfilled. As a result, this disappointment was taken out on the inept aristocratic government, furthering the revolutionary movement. So is it smart to give yourself high expectations? No. Don’t make the same mistake Louis did. Don’t think too highly of yourself. Don’t expect the best in people or in situations. Flow with the motions – that way disappointment will strike unexpectedly and rarely. Prevention is the key. Don’t expect anything.


January 12, 2010

I am not old and I consider myself free. As I grow, there will be constraint – of responsibility, of obligations, of demand and of love. But, as for now, I am free. My choices now dictate how long and how strong my freedom is and will last.

Food for thought: ideas

January 11, 2010

I feel empty. Not emotionally, rather idealistically. That’s right. Void of ideas. Empty. It ruins me because I know it’s there and when I try to force it out, it doesn’t come.

Food for thought: failure

January 7, 2010

Failure is the most undesirable stench.

Food for thought: life

January 6, 2010

I’ll gamble with everything, except my life.

A cynic’s guide: life

January 5, 2010

My life feels as repetitive as pop music,

monotonous as an owl’s hoot,

dull as a dusty plaid couch,

yet, as unique as a finger print…

Food for thought: change

January 4, 2010

Circumstances change;

People don’t.