Ernest Hemmingway

June 14, 2010

“By then I knew that everything good and bad left an emptiness when it stopped. But if it was bad the emptiness filled up by itself. If it was good you could only fill it by finding something better.”

“Anything you have to bet on to get a kick isn’t worth seeing.”

“They say the seeds of what we do are in all of us, but it seemed to me that in those who make jokes in life the seeds are covered with better soil and a higher grade of manure.”

“Paris was never to be the same again although if was always Paris and you changed as it changed.”


January 27, 2010

As long as we have each other, nothing else matters.

January 15, 2010

It’s tiring, doing nothing at all.

Food for thought: failure

January 3, 2010

Trial and error does not bring failure;

trial and error brings experience.

Be yourself

January 2, 2010


Happy New Year!

How many times have you heard that? I regard it as a cliché; nothing more than a banal traditionalism that clings to the tongues of too many around this time of year.

The date has changed, but this happens every day too.

A handful of new resolutions will appear for many strong willed people, but the amount that are fulfilled by the year’s close will surely be a meagre figure.

Today is just another day, like any other. The only difference is perhaps a desire to think that this year, somehow, will be better than the last.

Who am I?

December 31, 2009

Sometimes, if I look at myself really hard in the mirror, I can barely recognise myself.


December 30, 2009

Perhaps there is no such thing as perfection; only, different levels of imperfection that lend themselves to the illusion of perfection.

December 30, 2009

Sadly, the only way to be sure that you have someone’s trust, is to risk losing it.

December 29, 2009

You can never rely on trusting.