
December 30, 2009

Perhaps there is no such thing as perfection; only, different levels of imperfection that lend themselves to the illusion of perfection.

December 30, 2009

Sadly, the only way to be sure that you have someone’s trust, is to risk losing it.

December 29, 2009

You can never rely on trusting.

December 28, 2009

Creaking footsteps kickstart my heart

The problem with music

December 27, 2009

The problem with music is…

It will never possess the antiquity so easily attributed with books…

New Years

December 27, 2009

new resolutions

new ideas

new perspectives

the more things change, the more they remain the same

December 27, 2009

It’s amazing that in an instant, someone so close to you can turn into an utter stranger.

So I think this year was the first where the “Santa is real” façade crumbled in its entirety. My younger sister is now past the stage of grief and confusion; it’s simply a given that Santa is for children. However, 2009 has been a most un-merry Christmas for me.
First and foremost; I did not partake in setting up the tree or any decorations whatsoever. More importantly, however, was the fact that instead of being arranged on our traditional date of 6 December, they were arranged almost a whole week later. Even so, the house feels bare: having neglected to venture outside the lounge room for decorating.
Secondly; until 11pm on Christmas Eve, not a single present lay under our tree. Not one. Juxtaposed to previous years where the pyramid of gifts would grow every week of December, this year was abysmal. Furthermore, I placed the three gifts there. In fact the whole scheme of retail commercialism around the festive seasons seems to attract ridiculously large crowds to the same area – not exactly an attractive thought for me. Similarly to the gifts, (or lack thereof), I’ve hardly caught a glimpse of a Christmas card, certainly none have been addressed to me. And the string that would often accommodate an array of these cards at this time of year is probably stashed in a draw, forgotten.
Thirdly; I assisted in buying my own present, which was bought nearly a month before Christmas. In fact, I don’t think any of my presents will surprise me – but I guess it’s the thought that counts.
Fourthly; work has consumed so much of my time that Christmas has come so suddenly for me. Working 22 hours in the space of 36, and finishing half and hour before Christmas Mass isn’t exactly festive or relaxing.
Fifthly; it’s simply lost its excitement. There’s no letter for Santa, nor milk and cookies, waiting by an ornamented tree.
Finally; to sum up, the fact that the clock’s ticked past midnight and I haven’t, until now, noticed that it was Christmas Day shows the lack of festivity and rather pedestrian Christmas that 2009 is shaping up to be.

Hello world!

July 19, 2009

This is my first post – a taste into the cyber world of blogging. Stop by to find original thoughts, ideas, rants and rambles, speils, philosophical debates, questions and statements about almost anything at all.